Daedalus Lodge 3843

Consecrated on the 27th April 1918

Daedalus Lodge 3843 was consecrated on the 27th April 1918 having been formed from St Botolphs Lodge 588.

Daedalus supposedly being the first Airman when he made wings of feather and wax to escape from his imprisonment in Crete and flew to Sicily, had its connection firmly established with Royal Air Force College Cranwell and was named after the “Daedalus” Training Establishment at Cranwell.

This was the first Lodge Consecration in Sleaford and it took place at the Sessions Hall by dispensation. W Bro T Kitwood, Deputy Provincial Grand Master at that time, read a letter from Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Lord Yarborough expressing his regret at being unable to perform the ceremony as he was travelling to London with his son who was returning to the front after recovering from his wounds. He charged W Bro T Kitwood to perform the ceremony of consecration in his stead.

The Daedalus Lodge met on the 1st Wed of the month and met in every month throughout the year. In the original by-laws of the lodge, the qualifications to become a member were stated as “individuals who have served in the Royal Air Service and have honourably retired, and must not be under the rank of substantive Sergeant”. However in 1937 the rank requirement was dropped.

In 1919 it was proposed the Lodge close during the summer months June to September. Then in October 1927 the lodge moved from the 1st Wed to the 1st Sat of the month. The lodge carried on with increasing numbers throughout the interim years between wars, the brethren invariably attending Lodge in evening dress or uniform. During the war this was changed to dark morning dress or uniform which continues to this day.

We have celebrated the 3 milestones of a 50th and 75th anniversary and now a centenary alongside the Royal Air Force which was formed on 1st April 1918 in which the majority of our members are serving or have served.

With the drastic reductions in the size of the services, we decided to open up membership to all service personnel and civilians which has of course enhanced the lodge in many ways. We are a popular Lodge where there is always a warm and friendly welcome for our guests and we welcome visitors from Lodges throughout the country and abroad.

Today sees a thriving Lodge of some 50 plus subscribing members, and a regular 30 plus who enjoy the conviviality of the Lodge and subsequent friendliness of the festive board. We meet on the First Saturday in the months of September to April excepting January, and the second Saturday in May. In event of Easter falling on the first Saturday in April, the meeting will move to the second Saturday.

We have a White Table meeting in April where our partners and non-masonic guest are invited to a Festive Board, also in September we have Ladies Night with a theme of the Battle of Britain for our links with the RAF.


For more Information

If you find you would be interested in joining Daedalus Lodge please call or email our Membership Officer.

Worshipful Brother Peter Daly

Daedalus Lodge Membership Officer

T: 07377 423034

E: daedalus.membership@sleafordfreemasons.co.uk

Get in Touch

For more information or to ask any questions, please contact us.